Stock Valuation

Stock Investing Hub ⮞  Stock Valuation

Stock Valuation

The chapter is on Stock Valuation.

By now, you probably already know how to find a quality company based on the 8-Point Checklist.

However, when you are buying stocks with intention to hold for the long term, you never want to overpay for the business.

But, how do you know what does it mean by "overpaying" for the business?

Is a $2,000 stock necessarily more expensive than a stock that is $200?

In this chapter, you are going to discover how to determine what price to pay for a company.

Note: One of the biggest reasons why the investing hub was built as there were too many people who were relying on hot "stock tips" to invest, and ended up getting their portfolio burnt. This resource hub aims to equip beginner investors with the knowledge and the tools to invest profitably in the stock market.
