Stock Fundamentals
Stock Investing Hub ⮞ Stock Fundamentals
Stock Fundamentals

The chapter is on Stock Fundamentals.
In investing, I don't invest based on hype or news. In fact, I prefer to invest in businesses that are anchored in strong fundamentals, with healthy financials.
Have you ever invested in a stock, and you just found yourself checking the share prices every hour...
...that's probably because you didn't invest in a business with strong fundamentals.
Because, if you did - you will know that you will make money eventually when investing in a quality business and you can sleep soundly at night.
In this chapter, you are going to discover how to determine whether a stock is worth investing or not.
Note: One of the biggest reasons why the investing hub was built as there were too many people who were relying on hot "stock tips" to invest, and ended up getting their portfolio burnt. This resource hub aims to equip beginner investors with the knowledge and the tools to invest profitably in the stock market.