What Stocks To Sell Put Options

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What Stocks To Sell Put Options

This section will be very similar to "What Stocks To Buy Using Call Options".

The basis of investing remains the same, even when we use options.

We only want to sell put options on fundamentally good companies that passes our 8-Point checklist.

In fact, knowing what stocks you are able to sell put options on, will be very straightforward, once you build your own profitable watchlist - which is a list of quality companies, which you know the entry price and exit price.

So in case, you still have not built your own profitable watchlist by now - you definitely want to check out the Profitable Watchlist Challenge.

In our next section, we will go into the details of the entry rules of selling put options.

Note: One of the biggest reasons why the options hub was built as there were too many people who get burnt because of the lack of knowledge of how options works and its risks involved. This resource hub aims to equip beginner investors with the knowledge of options and how they can manage their risks when investing with options.
